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Thursday, December 15, 2005


I spent the evening filling out X-Sheets (or dope sheets) for the remainder of the film. You don't really need to use these much anymore, but I still really find these helpful for guiding me through the shots. At this stage, I concentrate on the beats and plan out all the action. The storyboard animatic was cut directly to the music, so following this is a must. I don't animate with the music track so I use these to verify all the important areas where I can't fudge the action.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am still a sucker for a good old-fashioned x-sheet. Time is permenantly segemented into horizinontal lines in my brain.

I'm looked at like a crotchity old-timer when I talk to college students about using x-sheets.

Damn whipper-snappers and their MTV!