My film showed at the LA Shorts festival in Burbank, CA this weekend. I wasn't there, but I hope anyone who may have been there Sunday night enjoyed the film. I just realized that among the jurors for the festival were James Franco and Tia Carrere. I'm honored that they got to see AFC. :)
The winning animated short in the festival was "The Golden Age". A funny (and violent) short about a Coco puffs type character that looses his mind.

Upcoming festivals include the Cinema City International Festival at Universal City AMC theatres in LA - between September 26-30. (see previous post below)
AFC will screen:
11:00am - SCREENINGS @ CityWalk AMC Theatres
11:00am - SCREENINGS @ CityWalk AMC Theatres

Next is the Great Lakes film festival in Erie PA.
It will be showing Saturday Sept. 29 2007. It will be showing in the 10am block
It will be showing Saturday Sept. 29 2007. It will be showing in the 10am block
Also, AFC has been nominated for best animation!

New festival announcements include the California International Animation Festival
AFC will screen on October 2nd at the Galaxy 12 Theatres in Riverbank, CA.

Not only that, but AFC has been nominated for best 2D animation

AFC will also soon be screening at the Los Angeles International Children's Film Festival
It will screen on Saturday October 6 in Program #2 (10:30am - 11:30am) at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Hey! Love your artwork. I didn't see an email address for you. I'd like to ask you a question.
With all these festivals, do I here Oscar calling Mr. Pryor? :)
Ha! Thanks Don. My film a little small to really compete on that level. I'm just glad that I'm able to finally get it out there. The festival scene is expensive, so I can't afford to send it out everywhere, but it's slowly making it's way through some fun festivals. So far what i've noticed is that it really clicks with children, which was always my main goal. Kids will watch it several times in a row (which I guess is what kids mostly do anyway), but I'm happy that they haven't asked to "change the channel" :)
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