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Friday, August 25, 2006

Equinophobia - Fear of Horses
Although I'm not particularly fond of horses, I sure do like doing funny horse drawings.

Xanthophobia - Fear of the color Yellow
Fearing the color yellow also means you'd be frightened of things like baby peeps.
I tried to go outside of my usual art comfort zone and paint up a girlie character, but I feel like something about her is a little off. I wasn't going for realistic proportions, but if anyone notices something that you think could improve my choices, please give a little critique.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Kids at Play

This weeks OAC topic was kids at play. I decided to create a real world image and an image of what's in the kid's mind. Who didn't wish at some point to be Han Solo flying the Falcon? I wanted each image to be equally fun and interesting to look at - and it was a good excuse to draw Chewbacca.

Scene 45

With the startup of the Outsider Art Club, I've been dividing my time into tiny bits - spreading it across multiple projects. I spend about 2 evenings a week still working on AFC, so there is still progress being made. The newest news is I finished scene 45 this week - which is exciting because I now have only one scene left to animate! I can almost smell the doneness. The shot itself doesn't look so new. It's just a shot back to Santa, looking embarrassed, pulling the Alien out of the stocking and handing it to the boy (o/s).
Here's a little look back at the evolution - from storyboard, to Flash symbols, to finished shot.
You know how your family says they will love you no matter what you decide to do in life - even if you decide to be a garbage man? Well, I thought it would be fun to picture myself as a garbage man - but not doing a humdrum job where filth is nasty, but instead playing in trash that's a ton of fun! There's an endless amount of crap to play with - and I would get to hang out with my muppet pal Oscar!
In this picture, Oscar wants to kill me.

Love Zombie

Here's a quick image of a very hideous zombie that needs love, just like everyone in this world.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Batman and Robin

My brother and I would dress up like Batman and Robin when we were kids. At that time in my life - Batman was what I wanted to be when I grew up (so I could marry Batgirl). Taking our wardrobe cue off of the Batman TV show, we would find clothing in the house that would best match the costumes of the dynamic duo. Our best option for capes was to steal 2 of our dad's tank tops (which he didn't like) and wear them by placing our heads through both arm holes. The colors weren't exactly right - the Robin "cape" was a very puke-like yellow - but it didn't matter because we were transformed into superheros. The emblems were paper with tape on the back, and the utility belts were made of cardboard. Yes - I did wear underwear on the outside of my pajamas. Those were good times.

Saturday, August 5, 2006

Zombies Vs. Pirates

This Zombie isn't such a bad guy. He's just a little hungry. Don't feel too bad for the Pirate - I'm sure he hurt someone real bad and deserves being devoured. A corpse can also make a good sofa.

This week I joined up with The Outsider Art Club for the sheer fun of it. This club is comprised mostly of the friends I work with, and there should be a topic each week to keep our creative juices flowing. The club is being moderated by my pal Ryan Summers (Thanks Rye). Hopefully in the weeks to come, this will direct some ideas that I normally wouldn't persue.