@davepryor72 - the latest on Instagram

Monday, September 4, 2006

Spawned from the depths of Hell

This image is probably better left to interpretation. This week for OAC, the idea was to show a person you admire in a state before they were famous. With my life being heavily effected by Lucas, I felt compelled to portray him, but not without getting a little revenge for some of that Prequel stuff that was hard to swallow. Just trying to have some fun here. Hopefully George won't have any hard feelings - I'm paying for his youngest to go through college with all the toys I bought.


Ami Blackford said...

Ha, this is awesome man. Love your work as always!

Chingyi said...

hi dave!
great colors and style you have here.

who's lucas?
haha just kidding.
i heard the old star wars movies were good, but i never got a chance to see them.

Unknown said...

Very wicked illo! HA ! HA !!

milo said...

Just surfin blogs and I must say you have some awesome work here!;O) Keep up the great posts!

Goldskeleton said...

I didn't know that hell was plaid. But nothing s too good for George.

The Original Dangster said...

Dang Dude, you gotz it all wrong!...Lucas IS the Devil.

For kicks he makes Alec Guiness watch Episodes I-III while he mocks "Bridge on the River Kwai" as poor cinema!

KICK ASS sketch though brah!

K.B. said...

Very funny and really nice reder.

K.B. said...


Jafar said...

I absolutely justify the portrayal...At least for the countless editions of Star Wars dvds he has released!

BTW....This blog is looking better and better with so many new posts with great variations!!

ohmyalikins said...

HAHA! ;)

Andrew Glazebrook said...

A superbly funny picture !!!